Storey Publishing
For 25 years, Storey Publishing has helped millions of independent readers enjoy simpler, more satisfying lives.
Through an array of how-to books, Storey arms readers with practical skills and inspiration on a range of do-it-yourself topics: gardening, cooking, knitting and other crafts, backyard building, animal care, farming, and home improvement.
Readers turn to Storey for accurate, time-tested knowledge on topics from preserving garden-fresh produce to crate-training a dog. Whatever the subject — natural body care recipes, green thumb tips, inspired color choices for hand-knit projects, ways to raise healthy backyard chickens, or ideas for turning kitchen scraps into stunning houseplants — Storey provides the information that fuels readers’ passions.
Storey is at the center of a vast revival of do-it-yourself lifestyles, a movement that has been fueled by an awareness of environmental responsibility, an appetite for the homegrown and locally raised, an appreciation for one-of-a-kind items, and a passion for nature. Whether picking up a needle and thread for the first time, or nurturing a decades-old passion for horses, readers know that they can turn to Storey for no-nonsense advice and new ideas — every time.
Storey’s authors are experts. As a result, Storey’s readers get more than just encouragement and fresh ideas. They also get the benefit of experience — as if they had a master gardener or an acclaimed fiber artist working alongside them at all times. Storey authors anticipate questions, break skills down into simple steps, and help readers solve complex challenges. Armed with Storey books, readers can be sure that they’ll succeed, whatever the task.
It’s not just the authors who have passion for their subjects: independent living is a way of life for Storey’s editors and staff. Storey’s president knits and keeps her own chickens. The crafts editor spins yarn with fleece from her own flock of Romney sheep, the horse editor is a committed equestrian. Walk through the offices and you won’t just find publishing professionals; you’ll also find experts who can help you make an ecofriendly floor cleaner, create your own organic facial cream, move a pig, or whip up an organic, garden-fresh meal.
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